В честь обновления, откровенно скажем, неудачного перевода Playing Games небезызвестной AkashaTheKitty решил я заглянуть к ней на ЖЖ и проверить, что там слышно про сиквел Браслета "Силенцио". С сиквелом глухо, но вот ей отзыв оставили к "Браслету":

A new review/comment has been submitted to your story.

Story: The Bracelet
Chapter: 103. Epilogue

From: The Dramione Flamer ()

Hi. I am the Dramione flamer. who will be going to flame stories if they are
bad. This is bad. I don't care WHAT you wrote, or HOW you wrote it, the story
line means squat to me. This is a piece of rubbish that deserves to be
deleted. This is helpful if you want to write a good fic some day. I don't
have many ideas myself, but after listening to the person next to you babble
on about Dramione this, Dramione that, you get SICK of it. ESPECIALLY if she
reads sick stuff. REALLY RIDICULOUSLY sick stuff. I hope it makes you feel
better if I tell you that this is not a personal flame, but a message to all
Dramione writers: COME UP WITH SOMETHING ORIGINAL ! Dramione fics are, sadly,
lacking in creativity and imagination. If anyone can write a good, pleasant,
creative and interesting piece of work which excludes all references to *Cough
cough* ( you know what i'm talking about)please contact me. but you CAN'T.
Do not reply to this email. If the review is signed, use reply link provided

А я гермидраку люблю, хоть и пампкинпайщик.